This weekend I (Scott) was telling the boys about the Superfriends show I used to watch when I was a kid. I tried to look it up on the computer and all I found was a short video of the Superfriends but with the audio from the old Budweiser "Wassup?!" commercial dubbed over it. The boys thought it was funny until I showed them the real commercial. They thought that was even funnier and soon were "wassuping" each other every chance they got. Thus, a beer commercial has inspired the following video. Enjoy. We sure did.
Elana’s Passing
16 hours ago
Okay, that seriously made me laugh out LOUD!!! I can't believe you put that video together with everyone !!! SOOOOO fun. Nice work.
That was pretty awesome!!!!
You guys are our #1 heroes!
You have a family of actors! Funny! Funny!
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